Sunday, March 20, 2011

Mobile and Dynamic Architecture

Mobile and Dynamic Architecture: "Architecture in the future needs to shift focus from a stagnant society to a more dynamic one. What we are looking out for now is more of e..."

Existence and Non Existence in Architecture

this topic is an extension of mobile and dynamic architecture. it is important to consider the presence and absence of an object. what changes does the surrounding go through when an object is present? in what ways does it influence the surrounding? connectivity, visual delight, pause, curiosity,....?
same holds good when the object has moved from its initial position. hope for something new, relief, emptiness....?

Mobile and Dynamic Architecture

Architecture in the future needs to shift focus from a stagnant society to a more dynamic one. What we are looking out for now is more of experience than memory. We walk by the same street everyday to office or school to only remember of yesterday. How often do we see the signboard with the street name? For the first two times of our visit maybe? What we look for after is only the buildings and the flashy commercial advertisements on them. How often does the appearance of a building change? Can people actually get more productive and creative with such a stagnant and monotonous lifestyle?